Tenant Based
Rental Assistance
“Housing is a major component of successful reentry"
- Grant County Probation Officer
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Those that have formerly been incarcerated are more likely to have unique housing challenges. In the 2018 report, “No Where to Go: Homelessness Amongst Formerly Incarcerated People,” the Prison Policy Initiative estimates that formerly incarcerated people are 10 times more likely to be homeless than the general public. Access to safe, stable, and decent housing in Grant County is critical to reducing the likelihood of reoffending.
How to Particpate
Step 1: Confirm Eligibility
1. The TBRA Applicant must meet ONE of the three criteria:
a) The individual is currently incarcerated and is exiting incarceration
within 6 months; or
b) The individual/household is currently homeless or living in transitional
housing and has been incarcerated at some point; or
c) The individual/household is experiencing a housing crisis (struggling to pay
rent, at risk of eviction, etc.)
2. The annual Household income does NOT exceed the follow limits:
3. Household must be willing to:
a) Sign a 1 year Lease
b) Live in Grant County
c) Contribute a minimum of $10 per month
4. Household must have a qualifying "Referral Partner"
a) Referral Partner must be a professional, such as a Case Manager,
Community Corrections/Probation Officer, Program Manager, etc.
b) Referral Partner must recommend the client for services through filling
out the TBRA Referral Form and participate in the Client Intake Meeting
Eligible TBRA participants must meet the following requirements:
Step 2: Submit TBRA Referral Form
Every TBRA applicant must have a Referral Partner that submits the TBRA Referral Form. A Referral Partner must be a professional, such as Case Manager, Probation Officer, Program Director, etc.
If you know someone in need of rental assistance that meets the eligibilty criteria, please submit the TBRA Referral Form.
If you are someone in need of rental assistance that meets the eligibile criteria, please have a Referral Partner submit your name on the the TBRA Referral Form.
***If you are in need of TBRA assitance, but do NOT have a Referral Partner, you may self-refer by calling: (765) 662-1574 ext 120 or sicilia@ahcgrantcounty.com***
Step 3: Submit TBRA Application & Supporting Documents
Once a Referral Partner refers you to the TBRA program, you will receive a call from the TBRA Program Manager. You will be instructed to fill out the TBRA Application and provide supporting documentation.
A fillable, digital application is available below.
Printed applications are also available at
AHC's Office. Call (765) 662-1574 to arrange at time
to pick up your TBRA application.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are are individuals living in transitional housing (Hope House, Grace House, etc.) eligible for TBRA?
If an individual is living in transitional housing are does not have a lease, they are technically defined as "homeless" and meet the eligibility criteria "b)". If the individual does have a lease, they may be eligible under eligibility criteria "c) The individual/household is experiencing a housing crisis (struggling to pay rent, at risk of eviction, etc.)." This is evaluated on a case by case basis. If the individual's lease is expired or expiring at thier transitional housing and they are being forced to leave and they have nowhere else to go, they likely meet the eligibility criteria "c)" or "experiencing a housing crisis".
2. If I don't have a Referral Partner, can I still access the TBRA Program?
We strongly encourage individuals to have a Referral Partner, as it will enhance their likelihood of success in the program. However, if an individual does not have a professional such as a Probation Officer, Community Corrections Officer, Case Manager, Program Manager, etc., then they can self-refer themselves to the program. They can self-refer by emailing or calling TBRA Program Manager Sicilia Jones directly: sicilia@ahcgrantcounty.com or (765) 662-1574 ext. 120
3. Do I have to have a certain type of incarceration or sentence to qualify for the TBRA Program?
All forms are incarceration qualify an individual for the TBRA Program. An individual could have spent 3 nights in jail for DUI or 15 years in prison for a felony charge. All that matters is that the individual was incarcerated at some point.
4. Does my incarceration have to have occured recently or within a certain amount of time?
All that matters is that the individual was incarcerated at some point. An individual could have been incarcerated 4 years ago or 30 years ago.
5. Does the TBRA Program provide housing?
The TBRA Program does not actually provide housing; it provides rental assistance, housing counseling, and a supportive framework. The individual is responsible to find their own rental housing that meets basic habitability standards. AHC provides the individual with the Rental Resource Guide.
6. What forms of assistance does the TBRA Program provide?
The TBRA Program provides 12 months of rental assistance and utility deposits (getting your electrical or gas hooked up) but does NOT pay for security desposits or monthly utility payments.