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Home Repairs

**Current funds have been exhausted. This program is currently on pause**

We are partnering with the City of Marion to assist local homeowners - specifically those who are elderly, veterans, and disabled - to help with needed expensive repairs in their homes.

OOR helps address conditions in the home that, if left unattended, would create an issue with the integrity of the home or become a detriment to the residents' quality of life.

Health and safety will be prioritized. Repairs will vary but tend to focus primarily on roofs and HVAC improvements.


Eligible Applicants Include:

  • The applicant must be the owner of the home

  • The applicant must live in the home as their primary residence

  • The home must be located in Marion, Indiana

  • The home must be insured

  • The home must be current on property taxes

  • The applicant’s income must be under 80% of Area Moderate Income (AMI)


Applications can be mailed in or placed in our drop box.

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