Who We Are
Affordable Housing & Community Development Corporation (AHC) is rooted in the creation and maintenance of affordable housing--our core business then and now. We also invest in revitalizing neighborhoods and community development because quality of life is more than housing; it’s also quality education opportunities, convenient transportation options, living-wage jobs, affordable healthcare, civic leadership, and safe public spaces. AHC connects public and private investment with the abundance of people and places in the communities we serve. We believe that we make a difference by leading the way toward a community that takes full advantage of its resources.
Agency Overview
Incorporated as an Indiana nonprofit and 501(c)3 entity in 1995
Certified as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) in 1997
HUD-approved housing counseling agency continuously in good standing since 2001
Certified since 2007 by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) to provide counseling through the Indiana Foreclosure Prevention Network
Completed over $35 million in housing and community development projects
Successfully administered federal grants awarded by IHCDA, the Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs (OCRA) and Dept. of Energy totaling over $11 million dollars: 15 HOME grants ($5.8 million), 12 CDBG grants ($3.8 million) and 5 Home Energy Conservation Program grants ($1.5 million
Our community is a place where people want to live and stay, abundant with opportunities to work, learn, and play.
Through leadership in community development efforts, we serve as an agent of change in building a better community for all members.